2021 Brilliance Award

Last Updated on 2 years by meredith.wang

To encourage the staff to show their personality and discover the beauty of their life, CLEAR held the first contest about short-video production. Here’s one of the winners of CLEAR brilliance awards-“Light up Our Life” submitted from the technical center. What a smart idea and a successful upgrade! It is a perfect interpretation of the can-do spirit of technicians. We also want to thank our friends and partners ghostwriter klausur.

#clearlighting #companyculture #companyevent #brillianceawards #personality #respect #stafftalent #employeeengagement

We will announce the 2nd and 3rd prize, stay Tuned please.


Email: [email protected]

Tel: 86-0755-86114338
Add: #901, Block B (south area), Zhuoyue Meilin Centre Plaza, Futian District, Shenzhen, China

Tel: 86-0752-3911602
Add: CLEAR Industrial Park, Tiantou Village, Shatian Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou, China